Eco Friendly Lifestyles

Washing the Green Way !

It doesn't take much re-organising of your life to find Eco Friendly Lifestyles

Everyone can do a little bit to help the environment. Just around the house you can change to eco friendly light bulbs, perhaps insulate the windows or even just put your heating down one degree below the normal level in the winter. You will be surprised how much money you will save.
three hands holding the world
Perhaps you could install a tank outside which collects rain water – easy to do and once installed you don’t even need to think about it. The big one is recycle and reuse – almost everything can be recycled!

Of course one way you can help the environment is in the laundry room. As well as looking at the washer when you buy to see if it’s energy and water efficiency levels, you can switch to natural laundry detergents.

As well as green washing machines there are also green detergents that you can use. There are now special washing machines which are designed to be eco friendly. One such machine has been designed not even to use detergents!

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What Other Visitors Have Said

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Just say no... to bags! 
It seems like no matter what I buy in a store (today I bought 1 whole lightbulb!), the cashier always automatically tosses things in a bag. I tell them …

Stop snails using coper around seedings. 
Stop snails using coper around seedings. The copper (wire, foil, pipe) causes snails to create and small electric charge and deters them from eating …

Turn out the lights. 
This is a simple one but very effective. Turn out the lights when you leave a room.

Reduce Frequency of Washing Clothes 
If you want to help save the environment and reduce your utility bills in the process, why not ask yourself a simple question. Do the clothes you are putting …

Go Gray Water 
I divert the water from my washing machine and water a part of my garden with it. Before I wash I detach the hose and connect it to a garden hose and it's …

Husband's Laundry 
Use vinegar, baking soda and or lemon juice! My husband taught me these tricks, your clothes smell and look real clean and white's are brighter! This is …

An Eco Friendly Tip..or Two.. 
Great Eco Friendly Tips: - walk or bike instead of driving, whenever possible. - Recycle, recycle, recycle. - Unplug things you don't use during the …

Be Energy Efficient with Electronics and Lighting 
Replace all of your lightbulbs with energy savers---compare your electric bills and usage (if on a budget plan). You'll be glad you made the initial investment. …

Laundry Pure 
We purchased a unit called Laundry Pure by EcoQuest. This product elemenates the need for detergent, fabric softeners, bleach and hot water. It is easy …

Save water from your toilet 
Looking to save on your water bill? Just cut a half gallon milk carton in half and add pebbles. Drop this in the back of your toilet and there you go. …

Using a eco friendly washing machine 
If you have the money, get rid of your old washer and dryer, and invest in a new set, with water saving features and the Energy Star logo.

use only half the soap recommended 
if you are used to using the full amount of recommended soap think again! you can only use half the amount and get the same great clean feeling! put it …

Use your Bikes more often! 
One thing i have found really rewarding and fun is using my bike and public transportation, its hard at first but when you start sheding the weight and …

Adjust the water volume to match the load size 
It's very important to make the adjustment on water volume each time you put in a new load. It is an awful waste to have the maximum amount of water pouring …

Wash early or late in the day 
Run your dishwasher, clothes washer or dryer early in the morning or later at night; before 8am or after 7pm. This will reduce the drain on the power …

I use vinegar for a few things: 1. I soak a couple of cotten balls in vinegar and keep it in a bowl near the litterbox to get rid of the smell. The …

Saving rain 
I place large buckets out in my backyard when I know that we will be having a rain storm. I pour this water into plastic jugs and use it to water my plants. …

Inexpensive Solar Power  
On warm days hang your clothes outside on a clothesline. With a little breeze they will be soft and dry in no time. You will love the fresh smell of your …

Make sure to unplug all of your appliances and electronics, even if they are off. Most things go into standby mode, rather than off, and still consume …

Grocery shopping 
We've all heard to bring your own reusable bags to the grocery store, but if you don't want to buy these "eco-friendly" cloth-like bags, you can always …

Concoct your own formulas 
Rather than buying laundry detergent or fabric softener, I use the internet to find homemade formulas. I minimize my consumption of plastic as well as …

Its warmer out so dry outside 
We all use dryers in this day and age. However too save you money and us energy hang your clothes outside to dry. Its fast if it is hot out. And they smell …

Exchange your laundry detergent for baking soda 
My husband and I have become increasingly environmentally friendly, but one of the toughest things for us to adjust were our laundry habits. We wanted …

Green diapers 
Since we're on the topic of laundry, a great way to go green is to switch back to cloth diapers. There are a bunch of new styles, no pinning and messes …

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Conserve More Energy With Appliances!!! 
One of the best ways I think folks can become more green is by saving energy when it comes to household appliances. Unplug appliances like the toaster, …

Use natural things - such as vinegar for fabric softener 
Even if you don't have a lot of time, you can make quick, eco friendly changes. Many washing detergents can be watered down without impacting their cleaning …

A simple tip...just use cold water 
Stop using hot water, and buy a detergent designed for cold water use.

Save soap and save power 
Two things you can do to help the environment are reduce the amount of laundry soap you use and wash almost exclusively with cold water. The lines inside …

Save some water. 
Fill a 2 liter bottle with water. Take the lid off the top part of the toilet. Drain the water and put the bottle in water reserve. When the water reserve …

Eat Eco Friendly 
We often look at what we eat but do we look at how it is packaged? I make sure that I take a clothe bag to the store when I shop so that purchased items …

Eco Friendly Fabric Rinse Alternative 
Plain old vinegar makes a great fabric rinse. I think it works better than Downy, Snuggle or any of the commercial stuff. My clothes seem softer, …

Dryer balls 
Instead of using fabric softener, get a set of dryer balls at the store. They should be made of durable but soft plastic, and they'll go into your dryer …

Reusable menstrual pads 
Instead of throwing away disposable pads or tampons every month, use washable cotton pads. You can make them yourself or buy them from a number of different …

Say no to plastic 
Plastics don’t degrade easily. They remain in the environment for many years without degrading. Even the production of plastic causes environmental pollution …

A few eco friendly laundry tips I use 
With the prices going up in nearly all areas of our lives these days, it's always a good idea to conserve energy, and thus save money in everything we …

LaundryTips to Save Money and the Environment 
Use only half of the recommended amount of laundry detergent. I’ve been doing this for years. Several of my friends started too and no one noticed a difference …

Doggie bath time 
I use grey water to give my dog a bath. I let the water collect in the tub while I'm showering, then later when I'm done, I throw the dog in for a scrub. …

Electric Bicycle 
Electric bicycles that combine human pedal power with an electric motor are great for getting around town. A bicycle trailer can be used to haul groceries, …

Craigslist - list your items 
Useing craigslist and other local websites to recycle your unwanted household goods is a great way to keep our landfills to a minimum. You can list your …

Main cleaning supplies. 
I always keep my main cleaning supplies stocked up. Vinegar, baking soda and peroxide and simple green. I try to only use these items if I can help it. …

Use Paper and fight global warming 
I know it is not possible to use paper at every place in our day-to -day life. But one should try his level best to make use of paper in te form of carrying …

Hot Water Does It 
If you have a recent stain you can sometimes remove it very easily just by running it thru with very hot water and maybe rubbing the fabric together with …

Towels for air conditioning 
I was very young when i watched my grandmother wetting towels in cold water and hanging them over open windows during the summer , she also kept it dark …

Ceiling Fans 
I know its hot - I live in San Antonio and it has been hovering around 100 degrees for the last few weeks. With electricity costs mounting and the environment …

all natural/earth friendly pesticide 
do you garden? do you use nasty chemicals that are both bad for you and the environment on your plants to keep bugs away? you don't have to! i use an …

Cold water is better 
Most of the energy the washer uses is to heat the water, so cold water is better.

Recycling of used detergent! 
Genrally we throw away the detergentmixed water which is has been used ones.The same water can be utilised for heavily soiled clothes since the detergent …

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Our report on waterless washers which can save us upto 90% of water which is used in normal washers

As our natural resources dwindle more people are looking out to buy an energy efficient washing machine. Our guide informs you of the important things to look out for.

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